Jolie McDonald

Educational Facilitator

Program: Classic Home Study
Function: Educational Facilitator

About Jolie

Jolie McDonald is so excited to join iLead Exploration as an Educational Facilitator. She has lived in Santa Clarita for 20 years but grew up in Thousand Oaks, California. Jolie taught elementary school for 21 years and decided she needed a change. She wanted to step out of the classroom and use her expertise and passion for education on a different platform. Jolie is a highly passionate person and loves to learn. She will tell you that one of her hobbies is looking up information about anything and everything. She advocates for Alzheimer’s and loves learning about brain health. Jolie is a mom of 4 and has 2 grandbabies. When Jolie is not working, you can find her cheering on her son at a high school football or soccer game. By her side, you will find her husband of 21 years.