Monday message 10.01.2017
iLEAD Exploration Picture Day on Monday in Costa Mesa
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
Hello, Families! School is back in full swing and it is time for PICTURE DAY! Our first picture day is tomorrow (Monday) in Costa Mesa. iLEAD Exploration Costa Mesa Oct….
Learner Spotlight – Chloe Albert
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
Chloe Albert is a vibrant iLEAD Exploration learner. She is in third grade and this is her second year independent studying through iLEAD. When asked what she enjoys about independent…
Extra, Extra, Read All About It… iLEAD Learners Tour the L.A. Times
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
Exploration learners got an up-close look at the Los Angeles Times newspaper this past week. The field trip began in the 1935 Art Deco Globe Lobby of the Times…
Book Review: “Colleges That Change Lives, 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About Colleges”
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
Finding the right college can be a daunting process, but that shouldn’t stop juniors and seniors from exploring college options. In his book, “Colleges That Change Lives, 40 Schools That…
Upcoming independent study Day at the La Brea Tar Pits and Museum!
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
Wednesday, Oct. 11, is a free independent study day at the Tar Pits Museum. Come learn about camels, giant sloths, and of course…mammoths! Spend this independent study day with the…
“7 Habits of Happy Kids” by Sean Covey
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
Author Sean Covey wants to inspire greatness in youth. He is the author of “7 Habits of Happy Kids” and “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.” His website is loaded…
Save the Date! Join Team iLEAD for ‘Amazing Race’ on Oct. 22!
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
iLEAD Schools’ 3rd annual Amazing Race will be Sunday, Oct. 22. This all iLEAD Schools event is fun for all ages, and a great way to connect with other iLEAD…
Complimentary Subscriptions: BrainPOP
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
iLEAD is proud to offer a variety of complimentary subscriptions to our learners and their families. If you have not been able to check any of them out yet, here…
Sign Up for Fall Field Trips
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
Signups are still happening for many of our fall field trips. We are excited to offer so many exciting educational opportunities for our learners and their families! To sign up,…
Upcoming Events
Exploring the Arts: Discovering Your Authentic Self with Averyboo in Lakewood (K-1)
Nix Nature Center and Short Hike to Barbara’s Lake
Multi-sensory Phonics Fun Day @ the Acton Curriculum Library