
Apple Science


Have you ever wondered why apples turn brown? Did you know that browning is actually a chemical reaction? Here is an interesting hands-on science experiment to help your learner understand oxidation. This activity is perfect for your younger learners.

Before you start, you may want to explain that browning in apples occurs because of a chemical reaction between oxygen and an enzyme in apples. This process is called oxidation. It is important to note that there are certain substances that will prevent the apple from browning. Please see below for a list of supplies and simple directions. Have your learner make predictions and record their observations.


  • apples
  • five small bowls
  • water
  • lemon juice
  • vinegar
  • baking soda
  • milk

Simply cut your apple up into pieces and place one piece into each of your five small bowls. Cover each apple with one of your substances (water, lemon juice, vinegar and baking soda) . Label the bowls so that you can identify the substance. Let the apples sit for several hours and then record your observations. Don’t tell, but lemon juice works the best. Lemon juice has an enzyme called ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The oxygen reacts with this before the apple enzymes and prevents the apple from browning. This is a great trick for keeping sliced apples nice and crisp for on the go families. Enjoy!

Here is a recording sheet that you can use if you like:



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