iLEAD Exploration

Amazing Places to See in California

California family road trip

This summer, take advantage of the break to go on amazing field trips! Your EL learners will learn a lot by engaging in exciting adventures. The article “40 Places to See in California Before Your Kids Are All Grown Up” lists places you can visit within our state. But don’t let the visit be the only thing you do! Discuss the trip with your child afterward, using the questions below as conversation starters.

  1. What’s the best thing that happened on our trip? Was it planned or unexpected?
  2. What mistakes did we make? Did we plan too much/too little?
  3. Did we have fun? Who had the most fun? Who had the least fun? Were everyone’s wishes taken into consideration?
  4. What did we learn from our travels?
  5. How can we relive the experiences from our trip back at home and keep the experience going? How can we preserve the memories?
  6. Did we get out of our comfort zone? (Did we try something new? Did we try sticking too much to our everyday routines?)
  7. Did our trip reflect on our expectations (of being relaxing/educational/fun/action-packed)?
  8. How was the destination? Did it reflect our family’s values?
  9. How could the experience have been more meaningful?
  10. How can our next trip be even better? Where should we go next?
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