iLEAD Exploration

Learner Spotlight: Juan Munoz “Jr.”


What is your favorite saying in your native language?

My favorite saying is “Que si” because it’s very funny when I say it to my dad when I play around.

What is a family tradition that you enjoy?

Every year in December, we go to this place called Candy Cane Lane. We go with the family to see the lights and walk while we’re drinking hot chocolate. 

What career would you like to have?

I would like to have a job making video games or toys. 

What is your favorite subject?

I like science because you can see cool reactions and experiments. 

Has being multilingual allowed you any special opportunities?

No, I don’t think so. I get treated the same as others. 

What is your favorite hobby?

My favorite hobby is to build Legos, look at science experiments on YouTube, and puzzles. 

What advice would you give to someone trying to learn a new language?

There’s help everywhere. It will get hard, but it will get better. Don’t worry—you’ll get it.

How long have you been homeschooling?

Almost a year.

What do you like about homeschooling?

I get to stay at home and be comfortable. And I like the classes given to me because I like the kids in my class.

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