iLEAD Exploration

Math Instruction for English Language Learners

Math for ELL

Why is my EL student struggling with mathematics, and how can I help? I thought math was the same in every language.

Language plays an important part in math instruction, particularly for English language learners (ELLs). Here are some strategies for making language an integral part of math instruction, ensuring that ELLs have the tools and language they need to master mathematical concepts, procedures, and skills.

The importance of teaching academic vocabulary:

The importance of reading and understanding written math problems. There are many ways to help learners master word problems, including the following:

The importance of building background knowledge:

Tips to increase learner-to-learner interaction with academic language during math:

Using technology. Technology can also be a powerful tool in math instruction for ELLs. Here are some ways you can play with technology in a math lesson:

Even if it doesn’t come easily at first, there are ways to get ELLs excited about math. By keeping their language skills and needs in mind when planning mathematical instruction, you will be taking important steps to help your learner master mathematical concepts and skills. And who knows? Your learner may be among the next generation of economists, rocket scientists, and math teachers just waiting for the tools they need!

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