iLEAD Exploration

Reading Activities

Reading Strategies and Reading Strategies - Workshop in Tustin another option

Comprehension is the goal of reading. This skill can be extremely difficult for EL learners due to limited vocabulary and limited background knowledge. Learners should read or be read to daily. Here are a few activities that support EL learners and their reading comprehension. 

Determine Main Idea and Details
Use the flower writing graphic organizer to help a learner determine the main idea and details of a passage.

Building Background Knowledge
All students learn better when they first access what they already know. Use a KWL Chart to activate prior knowledge. Learners already have experiences and knowledge that they can build upon.

Expanding your vocabulary is a great way to improve your comprehension skills. Vocabulary Coil is an interactive site that you may want to check out. 

Interactive Games
Let learning be interactive! These games are engaging and will help build critical reading skills. The games are easy to understand and help build a child’s vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills. You can find something for every grade level and English proficiency skills.

ESL Fast

Learn English Kids


ESL Fun Games

Mr. Nussbaum Learning


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