iLEAD Exploration

Test Prep Support

We want to prepare all EL learners for the summative ELPAC. Our weekly ELD sessions will include test-taking strategies and tips on how to be successful on the test as we get closer to our testing season.  Additionally, the required ELD assignments provided by your EF will include directed test preparation for all grade levels.

Practice ELPAC Tests – ELPAC practice tests are available for you to do at home with your learner.

  1. Click on the above link, then click sign in, leaving the option for guest users.

  2. Select your learner’s grade level.

  3. Scroll down to find: English Language Proficiency Assessments ELPAC (Practice Test).

You can choose to practice all three of the domains – reading, listening, and writing for grades 3-12th. TK-2nd can practice the listening and reading portions.

Reach out to the EL Site Coordinator if you have any questions,

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