iLEAD Exploration

Learner Spotlight: Ava Miller


Ava Miller is an exceptional eighth grade learner with iLEAD Exploration. This is her first year of homeschooling. Ava was drawn to homeschooling so she could study more of the subjects that interested her, and so she could dedicate more time to her passion for dance. Ava is enjoying the freedom of a customizable schedule and a riveting educational plan that challenges her.

Independently, Ava is studying world history, computer programing and French. She is also reading the Harry Potter series in Spanish. She has classes at different learning centers where she takes high school algebra, home economics, effective communications, genetics, and Model UN (learners participate in a Los Angeles county summit to deliver speeches on world issues).

Ava dances six days a week at two different studios. She excels in tap, ballet, musical theater, pointe and hip-hop. Ava recently danced in a professional show with Debbie Allen’s Dance Academy in a production of the Hot Chocolate Nutcracker.

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