iLEAD Exploration

Learner Spotlight: Braelie Hooper

B raelie Hooper is a fourth-grade homeschooler with iLEAD in Santa Clarita. She loves math, science and engineering and has a passion for dance. She also enjoys tinkering around with new inventions and choreographing new dance routines with her sister and friends.

She spends time horseback riding at Heaven’s Hoofprints with Miss Leanne and Miss Christine. Tresero and Maya are the horses she rides for her lessons. She is looking forward to learning how to canter this semester.

She is always keeping Miss Heidi (an iLEAD educational facilitator) on her toes with the new inventions and/or activities that she creates.

Pictured is Braelie with her simple circuits matching game where players can learn the states and their capitals.

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