iLEAD Exploration

Learner Spotlight: Casey Simpson

casey_simpson-300x300.jpgCasey Simpson is in seventh grade and enjoying his second year with iLEAD Exploration. He is a hard-working, creative and enthusiastic learner. Casey’s favorite things to learn about are art, technology and history. He loves to be creative, and enjoys using his hands and technology to build and create. Additionally, Casey has a strong interest in history because learning about historical times and events is like putting pieces of a puzzle together. Casey also likes math because it is a subject that comes naturally to him!

When Casey is not doing schoolwork, he spends his time hanging out with his friends, traveling, rapping “Hamilton,” developing/watching content, playing all kinds of games and going on adventures. Casey is also adept at finding balance and juggling a lot of demands as he is an actor who stars on the Nickelodeon show, “Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn.”

Casey finds homeschooling to be a great fit because he can work at his level and have control over his classes and schedule. When asked what he is most proud of, Casey said, “I’m most proud of the work I complete. I like looking at finished products, especially when it’s a creative assignment.”

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