iLEAD Exploration

Learner Spotlight: Natalie Ontiveros and Jasmine Gonzalez

Natalie Ontiveros and Jasmine Gonzalez are sisters in their second year of homeschooling. They share an enthusiasm for learning, cross country running, and hiking the trails of Santa Clarita.

Natalie is a seventh grader. She excels in art and takes high school Spanish and biology classes. She makes and sells body scrubs, lip scrubs, face masks and lip gloss, using items from around the home. She enjoys writing, photography and dancing.

Jasmine is in 11th grade. She is a talented photographer. She enjoys participating in the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department North Academy Explorers, a training program for young adults who may be interested in a career in law enforcement. She’s recently begun taking community college courses, a challenge she has enthusiastically embraced.

These kind, energetic and goal-oriented sisters are a delightful duo!

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