iLEAD Exploration

High School Highlights – September 2020

High School Highlights iLEAD Exploration

Welcome to the September edition of High School Highlights! Here are a few upcoming dates and deadlines that you should be aware of.

Upcoming Webinars
October 9, 10:00 a.m. College Application Q & A (SENIORS only)
November 6, 10:00 a.m. Dual Enrollment Overview for 2020-2021

School Clubs
ASB Application Deadline – September 30 – Click HERE to apply
NHS Application Deadline – September 30 – Click HERE to apply

College Applications
College deadlines are coming! Make sure you check the application deadline for each college you plan to apply to so you can get your applications in on time!
UC & CSU Application Deadline: November 30

College Application Essays
Worried about your University of California essays? The College Essay Guy is offering a FREE four-week workshop for the UC personal insight questions. Sign up here: College Essay Guy Webinar Sign Up

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