iLEAD Exploration

Statewide (CAASPP) Overview

What is CAASPP testing?
CAASPP assessments are statewide assessments in language arts, mathematics, and science that are taken each spring. They are intended to provide results that can be used to monitor learner progress and direct learning goals.

Why are learners required to participate in state testing?
Testing is one of the BIGGEST ways you can give back to our school, as the state of California requires all public school programs to assess their learners annually. Your child’s participation helps our program stay in good standing with the state, our authorizing district (Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District), our accreditor (WASC), and charter school support networks (CCSA). A high percentage of participation with strong academic growth strengthens iLEAD’s standing as a school.

Who takes the CAASPP test?
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) assesses learners in grades 3rd-8th and 11th. Learners will take both the English language arts and mathematics assessments. Each subject consists of two parts: the Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and the Performance Task (PT).

The California Science Test (CAST) is aligned with the nationally recognized Next Generation Science Standards and is taken by learners in grades 5th, 8th, and once in high school. It is recommended that high schoolers take the CAST the year they are taking their last high school science course. CAST focuses on “disciplinary core ideas” across physical, life, earth and space sciences.

Where are the tests offered?
We have expanded our testing locations to accommodate as many of our families as possible. Our dedicated and supportive educational facilitators proctor the sessions. Testing is offered in a variety of locations across the multiple counties we serve. These tests are taken over a two or three-day period.

When will I receive my child’s scores?
Score information with scale scores and achievement levels will be received in August. Once available, they can also be found in your iLEAD parent portal.

Where can I find more information?
For additional information on CAASPP testing, please visit the Smarter Balanced website.

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