iLEAD Exploration

Oz Academy of Music [S]

Oz Academy of Music, Formerly Ozcanli Academy, is a boutique online music school, offering private lessons from the graduates of world-renowned Berklee College of Music to homeschoolers for a comprehensive music education.
Our instructors are not only teachers, but are musicians actively working in the music industry. Their credentials vary from Grammy nominations, collaborations with famous artists like Yo-yo-ma, Justin Timberlake, Paul McCartney to composing for major motion pictures.
We offer music lessons to all levels, from very beginner students who are just starting out to very advanced students who are preparing to become professional musicians.
No matter what our students’ goals are, keeping the joy and curiosity of playing an instrument is our philosophy. Our students’ curriculum is tailored to their interests and goals. They can watch their lesson recordings and review documents shared by their instructor at any time after their class.

Voice, piano, guitar, ukulele, bass guitar, guitar, violin, cello, double bass, saxophone, flute, clarinet, drums, percussions, music theory, songwriting, composition and arranging, film and game scoring and orchestration, music production and mixing lessons.
We offer a free 30-minute trial lesson to all new Charter School students. Please fill our charter school interest form for more information:
Online only.

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