iLEAD Exploration

Sityodtong, USA [S]

MUAY THAI at Sityodtong, USA for Fitness and Self Defense. Muay Thai is the ancient art of Kickboxing and the National Sport of Thailand. The training includes punches, elbows, knees and kicks. Like Boxing, Muay Thai is an internationally recognized Ring Sport. Training in the art of Muay Thai improves strength, cardio conditioning, coordination, balance and agility while developing physical and mental toughness. Is your Child being Bullied? Is your Child Shy and Afraid? Will your Child Lead or Follow? CONFIDENCE is the Key and we can help! Muay Thai is the Karate Kid times 10 serving Pasadena, Arcadia, Monrovia and Duarte.
Approved Instructor: June Castro Michalowski, Lynn Liu, Manuel Arsenio, Michael Sanchez, Michael Williams, Walter Michaelwoski

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