iLEAD Exploration

Vendor Spotlight: Silicon Valley High School


Have you heard of Silicon Valley High School’s online classes? SVHS operates a fully accredited, NCAA-approved online school offering quality, affordable online courses to help learners catch up or jump ahead. From its base in northern California, SVHS serves learners all over the world!

Courses are designed to meet the Common Core curriculum requirements, and course sections are mapped according to the relevant academic standards. All courses are supported by experienced, credentialed teachers who answer questions, grade assignments, and provide guidance and feedback online.

SVHS courses are self-paced to accommodate each learner’s needs. Learners work at their own speed and have the ability to complete their online high school courses in a way that meets their personal goals and deadlines. Online courses are available 365 days a year, and learners can start at any time.

For more information check out all that SVHS has to offer HERE!

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