iLEAD Exploration

Apply to Join a DreamUp to Space Launch Team!

Our 5th-12th grade learners are invited to apply to join one of two DreamUp to Space Launch Teams, featuring experiments designed by learners at iLEAD Exploration and SCVi!

Selected team members will run experiments in preparation for the actual experiments that will launch to space to be run by astronauts on the International Space Station with a target date of March 2021.

Team members will collaborate with facilitators and mentors at each stage. They will also be involved in promoting their mission, including creating videos and writing blogs. They will fundraise for experiment-related expenses as well as the chance to travel with their families to Kennedy Space Center, where they could present their experiment and watch it blast to space!

Watch the DreamUp to Space Launch Teams’ videos to understand more about the experiments:

If you would like to apply to join a DreamUp to Space Launch Team, please click below. You can also apply for both!

Deadline to apply: September 25, 2020.

For more information, please contact the Director of STEAM Initiatives, Kathleen Fredette, at

To learn more about iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects, please visit

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