iLEAD Exploration

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood

girl with telescope

Habit 5 can transform our communication and help us build stronger relationships. We have a tendency to want to swoop in and solve everyone’s problems before we even understand what the problem is. We simply don’t listen effectively. If we can learn and practice this simple habit–to see things from another’s point of view before sharing our own–a whole new world of understanding can be opened up.

Everyone wants to be respected and valued for the unique person they are. We can show we care by simply taking time to listen without judging and without giving advice. The problem is, most of us don’t know how to listen. We typically use one of these five poor listening styles:

A better way of listening is genuine listening, where you listen with your ears, heart, and eyes. You also try to stand in their shoes with the intent to truly understand their perspective. Our listening needs to be driven by an authentic desire to understand the other person and to build trust with them.

Here are some small steps to begin practicing genuine listening:

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