EL Quarterly 10.02.2023
Welcome to our ELD program at iLEAD Exploration for the 2023-2024 school year! We are honored to work with your learner through their journey in education and English Language Development. Here are a few highlights we would like to share with you and your family. At the bottom of this newsletter, you can also learn a little bit about the team that will be working with your ELD learner throughout the year.
Optional Subscriptions
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The Subscriptions team is excited to announce that some of iLEAD’s most popular optional subscriptions will be available to order year-round! Ask your EF to place your learner on the…
Live Tuesday Classes
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Every Tuesday, the EL team offers live interactive instruction across all domains – speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Learners will learn and practice skills and strategies together in engaging ways…
Video Lessons and Assignments
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Our EL team has created video lessons for all grade levels to support your learner’s success with listening, reading, and writing skills. Your EF will include these video lessons on…
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BrainPOP ELL is a comprehensive English language learning program for learners of all ages. It consists of short, animated movies as well as games, quizzes, and interactive features. It encompasses…
Learning Opportunities Offered at iLEAD Exploration
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Synchronous Instruction with Your EF Educational Facilitators offer synchronous instruction opportunities for learners each week. These are not mandatory to attend, but are highly encouraged! EFs will send the schedule…
Meet the EL Team
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Stephanie Casolara – EL Site Coordinator Location- Yucca Valley, California Family- Husband, 6th grade son, 2nd grade son, baby daughter Interests/Hobbies- I enjoy reading, taking walks, and going to fun new places…
Upcoming Events
Black Family Alliance
College Info Series: Holistic Admissions – Intro
Orange County Water District Tour 5th – 12th grade