Request a New Vendor

Our growing list of vendors provides opportunities to support the unique, individualized approach to learning that we value. If there is a vendor that you would like to add to our list, please connect with the prospective vendor by communicating a few important details.

When contacting a prospective vendor, please share that:

  1. We are an independent study charter school and can apply instructional funds to materials/services for our learners.
  2. In order for our learners to use their instructional funds on their materials/services, there are a few requirements and an application process. The vendor department will help answer any of their questions or concerns throughout the process.

Once you have communicated with the prospective vendor and confirmed their interest, please direct them to our website to complete a New Vendor Request Form . Vendors are typically much more willing to complete the form when they have communicated with the family that is requesting them.

Once the online request form has been completed, the vendor department will contact the prospective vendor directly to determine their eligibility and complete the application process. Be sure to communicate with your educational facilitator to know when your vendor has been approved.

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