Vendor and Family Service Agreement

The relationship iLEAD Exploration has with its vendors and families is very important to us. To utilize instructional funds with our list of vendors, we have established terms of service agreement. Carefully read the terms of service agreement below. Each family must submit a Vendor & Family Service Agreement prior to placing any order requests for services.

NOTE: As a public charter school, learners must not be required to pay facility and/or registration fees in order to access a vendor class. Any required fees (registration fees) must be paid by school purchase order. This also includes if an outside/third party charges any kind of fee to access the class. Learners must be given the option to use school instructional funds to pay for costs associated with accessing the class (i.e. registration fee, course fee, materials fee). The School will only honor POs for education-related expenses and will not pay for non-education-related expenses such as clothing, costumes, competition fees, non-safety equipment, etc.

General Ordering Guidelines

  • The EF/iLEAD has final determination on the use of instructional funds.
  • There is a $300 cap per vendor per month for services.
  • Families must be in compliance with the terms of the master agreement in order to access enrichment funds.

As the PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN, you are responsible for:

  • Confirming all services requested do not contain faith-based (religious) content.
  • Confirming order requests do not contain any fees for testing or assessment.
  • Submitting orders PRIOR to attending courses/lessons (iLEAD cannot pay for courses/lessons attended before a PO has been approved and generated).
  • Paying any vendor fees NOT pre-approved by iLEAD.
  • Paying any vendor fees that exceed amounts on order forms and purchase orders.
  • Paying any fees (depending on withdrawal date – prorated) after your learner withdraws from iLEAD.
  • Paying any fees if you choose to withdraw early from a class and the vendor still requires payment for the remainder of the class. Classes attended by the learner up to the withdrawal date will be prorated and paid by iLEAD.
  • Confirming monthly vendor prices for your learner (we recommend you request WRITTEN price quotes from all vendors).
  • Confirming cost and dates of courses when you receive the confirmation email of the order placed by your EF.
  • Contacting your EF if you do not receive an Order Agreement within 3 days of submitting your order request.
  • Confirming the vendor has received an approved PO in their iLEAD vendor account before attending lessons.

As the PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN, you agree to:

  • Collaborate with your EF regarding the use of instructional funds to support your child’s Individualized Learning Plan (ILP). All services ordered with instructional funds must be part of the individualized learning plan. Your EF will approve or deny orders based on the ILP.
  • Use instructional funds for basic/standard/economy-grade services to be used during the 2021-2022 school year.
  • Communicate with your EF regarding any questions, issues or concerns regarding a vendor.
  • Allow communication between the vendor and your EF regarding the learner’s progress in the course as it pertains to their ILP.
  • Follow the regularly updated health guidelines regarding material order deliveries and/or in-person or virtual services due to COVID-19.
  • Follow the regularly updated COVID-19 guidelines from the state, county, AND school with regards to social distancing, face coverings, wellness checks, and contact tracing if/when utilizing an IN-PERSON vendor.

By signing this form, you agree to the guidelines of our Vendor and Family Service Agreement.

RELEASE FROM LIABILITY For and in consideration of permitting Student(s) to participate in the elective Vendor Course, Hazardous or High Risk Activity, as part of the educational program selected by you and under your supervision, you hereby voluntarily hold harmless, release, discharge, waive and relinquish any and all claims or causes of action for personal injury or wrongful death occurring to the Student(s) or to any other person or persons, or property damage arising from the Student’s participation in the Vendor Course, Hazardous, or High Risk Activity against School or any of its officers, agents, teachers, or employees. You agree to release School for liability for any said causes of action arising out of the Student’s participation in the Vendor Course, Hazardous or High-Risk Activity, whether authorized or unauthorized by you, and wherever and however such use or operation may occur and continue, including incidental activities. You hereby do so for yourself and your heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, whether any said causes of action shall arise by the negligence of School or otherwise.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE By signing below, you hereby acknowledge that participation in Vendor Course, Hazardous or High-Risk Activity may pose certain risks of injury even if pursued properly, since the Vendor Course, Hazardous or High-Risk Activity may expose the Student(s) to conditions which may pose risks that cannot be reduced by prudent safety measures. You agree to release School from any liability for any injury or damage that results from participation in the Vendor Course, Hazardous or High-Risk Activity by the Student(s). You assume all risks and to exempt, release and relieve School from any and all liability for personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death including that caused by the negligence of any person. You hereby acknowledge that you understand the effect of releasing School of all liability for personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death, including that caused by negligence. In the event either party files suit in a court of law to interpret or to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the party prevailing in such action shall be entitled, in addition to any legal fees incurred in defending against any third party claim, to its reasonable legal fees and costs incurred in such action to interpret or to enforce the terms of this agreement.

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