EL Coffee Hour
Join our EL Coordinator and parents of Exploration EL learners for a time to ask questions, offer advice, get support and while building community. Join us with your favorite morning...
Join our EL Coordinator and parents of Exploration EL learners for a time to ask questions, offer advice, get support and while building community. Join us with your favorite morning...
Did you know that the average cost of tuition is 52% lower than the sticker price? Merit aid, also known as scholarships, are available at most colleges and some will...
Join local EFs and Exploration families for a fun Park Day!
Join us for a fun day at Kidspace! Kidspace is a nonprofit museum designed to delight and engage children emotionally, intellectually, and physically through joyful, kid-driven experiences. We will meet...
Join our family liaison, Luisa Cook, during her weekly office hours. She can help you find resources for your family. Family Liaison Zoom Room
There is a wide range of help for learners who have demonstrated a need for financial assistance. College can be affordable for families with a wide variety of incomes. We...
High schools learners are invited to learn how human beings have come to adapt to some of the world's harshest conditions. Join facilitator, Matt Hess, on zoom every Friday at...
During this Language Lab, learners in grades 3-5 will practice taking turns in a game, being a good sport and initiating, and making good conversation. Register HERE