Black Family Alliance
Join our Black Family Alliance and collaborate with families to build a strong foundation in our school. Share your voice and let's thrive together! Held on the second Tuesday of...
Join our Black Family Alliance and collaborate with families to build a strong foundation in our school. Share your voice and let's thrive together! Held on the second Tuesday of...
Theater for Young Audiences does a wonderful job introducing our youngest learners to theater. This musical is about a young boy who doesn't like to read books, but to eat...
Discover the behind-the-scenes activities of Trader Joe's. Learners are introduced to the food pyramid and healthy eating. They will recognize their favorite food and non-food products through advertising and become...
Park Day / Enrichment Info: Please arrive on time so your learner gets the most out of this time together! Parents/guardians/caregivers are required to stay. Siblings are welcome! Activities may...
To take or not to take? That is the question. With this new test-optional and test-free world, how important is the SAT or ACT? What about AP testing? Is the...
Ecosystem Examinersย Program for Middle School - Students will conduct field research to assess the abiotic factors in two different California plant communities at the ENC. After conducting research, students will...
Join our Black Family Alliance and collaborate with families to build a strong foundation in our school. Share your voice and let's thrive together! Held on the second Tuesday of...
Come see the beautiful Joshua Tree National Park. Students will investigate the diversity of desert life and learn about special plant and animal adaptations through games and a moderate hike....
There are so many types of colleges out there! They range in size, location, and personality. During this webinar, learn about small liberal arts colleges, research universities, specialty colleges, and...
Park Day / Enrichment Info: Please arrive on time so your learner gets the most out of this time together! Parents/guardians/caregivers are required to stay. Siblings are welcome! Activities may...