College Chatter: AdmitSee
Have you ever wondered what other learners (who were admitted to universities that you hope to attend) put in their college applications? AdmitSee offers a comprehensive view of the application. You may pick a university and then choose from various learners who attend that school and have posted their applications onto this website (including real essays, resumes and applicant advice). This website is a highly valuable tool for applying into colleges!
iLEAD Exploration Learners: Celebrate Heritage Month
Submit your art, photography, letters, and poetry to be highlighted in the Monday Message and at our Acton Curriculum Library for heritage months and holidays. We want to showcase your…
Opportunities for TK Learners
iLEAD Exploration TK learners, get ready for holiday fun at these upcoming events! Holidays Around the World: TK learners are invited to participate in Holidays Around the World: A three-week…
High School Webinars and Meetups
Mark your calendar for these upcoming opportunities for iLEAD Exploration high schoolers. College Info Series: Financial Aid – Need Based Aid Join us on December 6 at 10 AM for…