
EL Supports on iLEAD Exploration’s Website

Presenting Online Curriculum Options for High Schoolers another idea

The EL team has developed resources for EL learners on its website. To view, go to iLEAD Exploration’s home page and log into the Hub. On the Hub Quick menu page, select English Language Learners and you will find a whole page dedicated to everything EL! You can meet our EL staff, learn about ELPAC testing, find ELAC meeting agendas/minutes, read EL newsletters, and search resources specific for EL learners.

Additionally, did you know that our Exploration website can be translated into several different languages? Simply scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the “Translate” button. From there, choose your home language. It is important to note that the translate feature is not able to translate documents (PDFs, Google docs, etc.) that are viewable on the website.


Learner Spotlight Juan P. Joaquin F. iLEAD Exploration-5.2024

Learner Spotlight: Juan and Joaquin

Learner Spotlight Juan P. (2nd Grade) and Joaquin F. (3rd Grade)  What languages do you speak? Joaquin: Just two, Spanish and English. Juan Pedro: Two, Spanish and English. What is…


ELPAC Testing

We are so proud of all our learners who completed the ELPAC Assessment! Our EL learners worked hard and did their best on all domains: speaking, reading, listening, and writing….

iLEAD Exploration Summer Bridge 2024 Camp Edition 1200x675

Summer Bridge

Summer Bridge offers continued learning and enrichment opportunities for current and continuing iLEAD Exploration learners. See a list of opportunities on our events calendar. Continue to check the calendar as…

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