
Tips for Building an English Vocabulary

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Learning the vocabulary of any new language is considered to be the key to understanding what learners hear or read during the school day. It is very helpful for English language learners to build their English vocabulary as quickly as possible to increase learning of both the English language and new concepts and ideas. 

  1. Parents should try to speak English at home at some point each day. It is very difficult for students to learn a new language if the language is not reinforced at home consistently.
  2. Read aloud (or use a website that reads aloud) with your student in both English and their native language each day.
  3. Encourage your student to continue to read for pleasure in their own language even while learning English.
  4. Have your student create a scrapbook, journal, or diary of their time in the United States.
  5. Help your student make a personal dictionary with vocabulary words they are learning.
  6. Use art to increase English vocabulary.
  7. Watch appropriate English language television programs or DVDs with your student or use singalong or storybook music tapes.
  8. Commit to learning English with your student.
  9. Use Rosetta Stone Classroom each day to practice English.
  10. Use the internet to find and access websites with ESL practice activities.Practice makes perfect!

Things to remember:

  1. Learning a new language takes time to comprehend and practice. Be realistic about how quickly your student can progress and be patient!
  2. Making mistakes is part of the learning process.
  3. Students are both active and passive learners. They typically “understand” and “recognize” new English words before they are comfortable “speaking” or “writing” them. This is a normal part of the process of acquiring a second language.
  4. English language learners cannot absorb everything they are exposed to every day. It takes time!

English language learners typically improve their English proficiency at an amazing pace. We are so proud of them!


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