Spring Hike ~ Monrovia Canyon
A group of iLEAD Exploration learners recently went on a beautiful hike with Joel Robinson from Naturalist For You. Joel pointed out a variety of plants (many of them edible), birds and animals along the way to a waterfall in Monrovia Canyon. They ate miners lettuce and chickweed, and learned how mugwort can help alleviate a headache and itching from poison oak. They observed velvet tree ants, western fence lizards, and even learned a few words from the Tongva language. The highlight of the adventure was toward the end of the hike when they saw a mama bear and her three baby cubs!
Presentation of Learning: Trial and Error in the Garden
Did you know that one of the best ways to protect strawberries from getting chomped on by pill bugs is to enclose them in a chiffon bag while they’re ripening?…
January Events
Mark your calendar for our upcoming events in the New Year! January 14: Learner University: It’s Party Time! (Grades 2-3) January 14: Black Family Alliance January 17: College Info Series:…
Learner Outcome Survey
iLEAD has partnered with Qualtrics to collect and share information on our Learner Outcomes, an important part of our school culture and community. Qualtrics will provide data to show growth…