
High School Options to Help Along the Way…..

Homeschooling parents do not necessarily need to teach and/or be the expert in all areas of their child(ren)’s education. Rather, they ought to regularly facilitate opportunities for their kids to learn. Some ways to do this might include:

-Collaborating with other parents and trading subjects to teach, or using self-teaching materials.

-Volunteering or arranging an apprenticeship, internship, or mentorship.

-Taking community college classes or classes offered by private teachers, museums, and/or community programs.

-Utilizing Massive Open Online Courses offered by major universities. Some courses are taught by top professorial talent, using college-level texts and well-designed course content and assessments.

-Applying for a job relevant to your child’s field of interest.

-Traveling and learning through immersion experiences.

-Using online resources. There are many sites available like Crash Course on YouTube, Khan Academy, and CK-12 Foundation’s free online textbooks and resources.

A homeschool parent’s job is not to have everything to teach, but to put everything within reach. Parents can facilitate by using all these resources and more to help their kids learn.

– Adapted from Jeanne Faulconer’s article “Resources to Homeschool High School When Mom’s Not the Expert”


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