
Learner Spotlight: Fiona Zoss

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When 3rd grade iLEAD Exploration learner Fiona Zoss first started reading, it was tough for her to finish one chapter of a book. Since then, she has developed a love for reading and reads every moment she can. She recently wrote her favorite author, Ellen Miles, who penned The Puppy Place series. Surprisingly, Ms. Miles sent a lovely card and wrote her encouraging words to continue with her love of reading. Fiona definitely took Ms. Miles’ advice and is currently reading an average of four books per day.

Fiona’s other passion is dance. Due to the pandemic, she hasn’t been able to train in the studio, but she has embraced other ways to stay inspired and continue doing what she loves. Despite all the changes, Fiona remains optimistic and is currently preparing for her first solo. Dance gives Fiona joy, and it gives those around her joy to watch her perform and grow her talent.

Every month Fiona sets goals and achieves them, whether mastering Stack the States, preparing for a virtual spelling bee, conducting a new science experiment, or just trying something new. She is a joyful example of a thriving 3rd grader.

Fiona and her family enjoy traveling, and although they haven’t been able to go very far lately, this past month Fiona went on a little field trip to tour Fox Studios. She learned a lot about the history of the Fox Lot and got to see some of the studio’s cool sets. She also enjoys hiking several times per week. Fiona is a talented artist and incorporates art projects into most of her units of study.

Overall, Fiona has had a successful first year of homeschooling!


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