
Learner Outcomes: Design Thinker

colorful lightbulb

Our learner outcome for this month is Design Thinker. The flier below outlines what it means to be a Design Thinker. If you want to take it one step further, here is a self-reflection survey that you can complete. We have also included some additional activities to help you build your Design Thinker skills.

Design Thinker

“Innovation is the unrelenting drive to break the status quo and develop new and better ways of doing things.” —Richard Branson



Exploring the Arts

Fall Exploring the Arts opportunities are on the hub and filling up fast! These fun events are paid using Prop 28 funds so families do not need to use learner…

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California Healthy Youth Act

California requires all public schools to provide a course in sexual health education and HIV prevention education once for 7th grade and once for 9th grade. You can find more…

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iExplore & Upcoming Events

Don’t miss our iExplore opportunities and upcoming events. iExplore gives families the opportunity to use learner funds to visit educational locations for hands-on learning at their convenience. Explore the opportunities…

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