
Learner POL: Let Your Passions Be Your Guide – Starting a Small Business

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Normal life these days has changed, especially for iLEAD Exploration learners such as 10th grader Hanna Samson, who started high school in the midst of a quarantine. Even during these difficult times, Hanna remains optimistic and has taken the opportunity to delve deeper into her interests, such as cosplay, sewing, and singing, which ultimately led her to create a successful business.

Hanna has launched her small business, www.ArinsArts.com, and she sells products that she hand-makes on Etsy.

As a business owner, she has experienced a great deal of trial and error, which pushed her to exercise a growth mindset. She proactively spent a great deal of time trying to figure out how to market, price items, and manage her schedule.

Hanna has shown remarkable grit and a dedication to customer service as she launched her business. She quickly realized that by having an optimistic attitude, she was able to accomplish something that she was passionate about. Learning more about business has fueled her desire to expand her knowledge about her passions and allowed practical applications of her lessons in math, English, design, sewing, public speaking, geometry and spreadsheets.

Hanna’s curiosity led her to grasp the essential principles of photography such as framing, composition and how to use lighting to her advantage. She not only uses this to show off her costumes, but also to promote her products. She’s learned how to use social media to advertise her creations and continue to promote her business.

The beauty of iLEAD Exploration is that the curriculum can be adjusted to fit the learner’s needs. Hanna has undoubtedly made use of this and the time she has gained during quarantine. She looks forward to some kind of normalcy when the pandemic calms down and to be able to expand her business and endeavors. Please take a look below to learn more about starting your own small business and how to promote your products.




Photographing and marketing your items:

Teachers Pay Teachers- Promoting Your Projects

Teachers Pay Teachers Composition and Photography



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