
Math and Project Based Learning

If you’re interested in finding some excellent math resources pertaining to project based learning, 21st Century Educational Technology Learning  has some terrific ideas. There are links to numerous websites that may just spark your learner’s passion for exploring math in new and exciting ways!


Presentations of Learning

Presentation of Learning: Time of Your Life

iLEAD Exploration 2nd grade learner Rocco Boyd knew exactly when he wanted his perfect day to begin: 11:00 AM. The unusually late start to his ideal day came as no…

Presentations of Learning

Presentation of Learning: Toys through Time

Here’s a question most kids would love to answer, especially at this time of year: If you could be a toy creator, what kind of toy would you make? The…

An open book with the words "what's your story?" floating above it.

Writing a Personal Narrative Week 3- Part C

Welcome to week three, the final step in our writing series: Writing a Personal Narrative. We hope that you have enjoyed sharing your stories! Please take a moment to watch our…

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