CAASPP Testing
CAASPP/MAP Testing Updates
This past week, iLEAD received confirmation that the federal government approved California’s waiver request to allow districts to use nationally normed testing data like NWEA MAP in lieu of CAASPP…
CAASPP Testing
Attention, iLEAD families of learners in 3rd-8th and 11th grade: We have posted a helpful webinar just for you! In case you missed it the first time around, here is…
Testing Timeline
Timelines can be such helpful tools when preparing for a coming event. Here is a testing timeline that we encourage you to use as you continue to prepare for the…
Spring CAASPP Testing – Be Proactive!
Parents of iLEAD learners in grades 3-8 and 11, as well as high schoolers who are taking the science test, received a letter last week with details about preparing for…
Spring CAASPP Testing
Spring state testing is right around the corner for many iLEAD learners who will be participating in the California Assessment of Student Progress. CAASPP includes the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (SBAC) in English language arts/literacy…
CAASPP Testing Is Here
Thank you for signing up for state testing! Participating in CAASPP testing is one of the best ways to give back to your charter school! Being able to show the…