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Kaydad's Kreations

19-Year-Old Learner With Autism Launches Successful Career As Artist

One of the most important outcomes of education is yielding adults that are independent and able to thrive economically and socially. For learners with disabilities, this is often more difficult…

Astro Camp iLEAD Exploration

Astro Camp

Astrocamp is an outdoor science school that provides: Astronomy and physical science labs. Field exercises. Team-building activities led by Astrocamp’s expert instructors. It is an exciting three-day and two-night program…

Astro Camp iLEAD Exploration

Astro Camp

Astrocamp is an outdoor science school that provides: Astronomy and physical science labs. Field exercises. Team-building activities led by Astrocamp’s expert instructors. It is an exciting three-day and two-night program…

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