
Learner Spotlight


Ellie and Emma Sousa are talented sisters with many interests spanning from gymnastics to horseback riding!

On a typical independent study day, the girls spend around five hours training for gymnastics while their mom, a favorite writing and reading vendor at Arden Reading in south Orange County, tutors above the gymnastics studio where they work out.

In their free time, the girls also enjoy animals, art, horseback riding, and cooking. This summer, they both competed on the trampoline at the Nationals in Boston, Massachusetts. Ellie placed 15th in the nation at the elite level and Emma placed 5th.

Prior to going on the trip, the girls learned about Boston in their schoolwork. Their favorite part of the trip was competing and playing on the east coast beaches. They are now enjoying watching their coach compete in the Olympics in Brazil.

C ongratulations, Ellie and Emma!


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