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We hope that your second semester is off to a strong start! This month we have included articles about relevant opportunities for our learners, both during their high school years and as they look to the future. We hope you find it helpful. Here are some important dates to remember.

Important Reminders

Attention Graduates: FAFSA is due March 2nd! This is very important for financial aid and scholarships. If you are attending community college and are planning to apply for the College Promise (free tuition for 1-2 years), you must complete the FAFSA.

Upcoming Webinars:

CTE (Career and Technical Education) – March 12th at 10:00 am

College Information: Finding Your Best Fit – March 19th at 10:00 am

Virtual Meet and Greet iLEAD Exploration

Scoir and YouScience

Scoir is an important communication hub for our high school learners provided at no cost. This amazing resource gives access to a college search tool, interactive tours of college campuses, student…

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ASB Game Day!

ASB is hosting an Online Game Event for all iLEAD High school learners on Friday, February 26 at 1:00 pm. We will be playing Pictionary, Among Us, and Scattergories. Hope you can join us! To RSVP…

High School Clubs iLEAD Exploration

Ongoing Club Updates

The Gaming Club is a place for gamers to hang out and have good times. We have tournaments, tips and tricks for some of your favorite games, and a community…

College Fair

Searching for College in a Virtual World

Traditionally the college search centers around tours and visits. Visits help students understand the different college types: large vs small, universities vs. colleges, commuter vs. on campus. They also help students build application lists and…

College Feb

Upcoming College Fairs and Events

On May 12, iLEAD and fellow California independent study charter schools will be hosting our own virtual event, so be sure to save the date!  WACAC and NACAC fairs feature a…


High School Spotlight: Amy Baldwin

Hey, I’m an Aussie who moved to Los Angeles almost 5 years ago as my brother is an actor and musician. I have always loved sports. At one time, I was…

Upcoming Events

Acting Academy
Learner University Mars
Event Series
OC Park Day

More Event Info & Signups

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