Monday message 04.14.2021
The Discovery of Gold
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
We hope you’ll join us on April 22 at 11 a.m. when we explore the story of how the discovery of gold impacted California. Please take a look at the…
Spring Webinars and Virtual Events
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
We are springing into the season with more great webinars and field study opportunities just for you! Please take a look at the fliers below for all of the upcoming…
SLO of the Month: Grit
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
The Schoolwide Learner Outcome (SLO) for April is grit. Grit is defined as “having courage and resolve; strength of character.” A person with grit works hard, has passion and not…
CAASPP/MAP Testing Updates
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
This past week, iLEAD received confirmation that the federal government approved California’s waiver request to allow districts to use nationally normed testing data like NWEA MAP in lieu of CAASPP…
College and Career Advising for All iLEAD Exploration Learners
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
High school counselors work tirelessly to support their students’ efforts to attend the colleges and universities of their choice. And although these efforts produce tremendous results for some, iLEAD Exploration’s…
Learner Spotlight: Olivia Armstrong
Post on by iLEAD Exploration
iLEAD Exploration learner Olivia Armstrong has been independent studyed for about six years. She started with early preschool curriculum at two and a half years old and is currently working…
Upcoming Events
Knott’s Berry Farm Energy in Motion- 4th-6th grades
College Info Series: Financial Aid – Need Based Aid