Barnabas Robotics Innovation Virtual Workshop Grades 3-6

Virtual- link to be emailed to families CA

Join us for a 60-minute robot adventure where we will learn about motors, electricity, switches and mechanics to make your very own spinning robot toy! Learners will be shipped a...

Beach Clean up Day for High Schoolers

Huntington Beach Tower 17

This is a National Honor Society sponsored event, come  clean up our  local beach, earn volunteer hours, and make some new friends! The event is open to All iLEAD high...

Our Neighbor the Moon Virtual Field Trip TK-2

What is something up in the sky visible during the day and at night? Something that may be dim or shine bright? What might have a different shape when we...

Story Time: Leaf Trouble

Learners in kindergarten through second grade are invited to join an iLEAD speech-language pathologist for monthly story time. During this 45-minute class, your learner will enjoy an interactive story while...

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