
Popular Apps for English Language Learners

Using technology can be very beneficial for English language learners. In particular, the use of apps can help learners become more proficient in English in a variety of ways. First, using apps can build proficiency through repetition and review. Many apps out there have games, videos, activities, and quizzes that repeat words and phrases over and over to help the student learn English. When learning any language, the more exposure to vocabulary and grammar, the more proficient the student will become. Second, apps can provide opportunities for the learner to practice listening and speaking skills in English. Some ELL apps have recording options so that the learner can repeat words or phrases while recording themselves. They can then replay the recording and listen to themselves speak. The recording functions can serve to be great tools to track the progress of a learner’s English speaking skills and build fluency. Third, apps give EL learners more experience and exposure to the English language. Of course, the best exposure is interaction with English speakers, but apps can be fun, interactive, and engaging for the EL learner.  

There are many apps geared toward EL learners, but here are a few popular ELL apps that we would like to highlight! Check them out! 

This app is for all ages. It is simple and easy to use. Each lesson is comprised of a short animated video/movie to coincide with interactive features, games, and quizzes. The learner will be able to learn and practice vocabulary, listening, speaking, and grammar with this app!

  • Fun English by Studycat

This app is geared more for the younger learners although older kids who are just learning English could benefit from it, too! Their approach is to use games to teach English. The games are colorful, highly interactive, and engaging and are especially helpful when learning vocabulary.

These are four different apps but they are all very similar in that they provide user-friendly and personalized learning of any language you want, including English! They encourage the learner to complete 10-15 minute lessons daily to help with memory and review of vocabulary and grammar. These apps also focus on teaching language for daily conversations and regular life situations.

FluentU utilizes a different and unique approach to teach English. They use real-world videos such as news, music videos, commercials, and inspiring talks to teach the language. This is a natural approach to help the learner ease into the culture and language over time. The learner will learn how English is spoken in everyday life. This app would benefit older and more advanced learners.  

  • Beelinguapp

Beelinguapp teaches English through the use of audiobooks. They present the text in both the native language and the language you want to learn. The learner can listen, read along, and practice pronunciations with this app!  


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