School Wide Learner Outcome: Curiosity
This month we embrace curiosity. Curiosity is defined as a strong desire to know or learn something. It is frequently the engine that drives learning and achievement. Children are curious by nature and everything is a wonder to them. Karen Stephens says, “When conditions allow children to satisfy curiosity through safe, self-initiated, and playful exploration, learning occurs naturally. As children investigate, the experiences simultaneously fuel emotional, social, intellectual, physical, and ethical development.”
For curious learners, it is less important to have the “right” answers and more important to create an environment where questioning and learning can occur. You can help nurture your child’s curiosity by following their lead, modeling an interest in the world around you, and asking open ended questions. Children’s natural inclination to be curious should be fostered and developed through their unique learning experiences.
Here is a really fun packet of ideas for children to explore their curiosity at home. Play is one of the main ways that children learn about the world around them and explore many of the big ideas we learn about in our schooling.
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