
Spring MAP Testing

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As we enter our last Learning Period, your EF will be reaching out to schedule the final MAP test session for this school year. The Spring MAP scores provide summative data on how learners have grown in their knowledge of grade-level standards this year. It is a wonderful time to reflect and look back on all the ways your learner has blossomed and grown, seeing all the accomplishments they have reached over the course of the year. Please reach out to your EF for more information on the MAP test.


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iLEAD Exploration Learners: Celebrate Heritage Month

Submit your art, photography, letters, and poetry to be highlighted in the Monday Message and at our Acton Curriculum Library for heritage months and holidays. We want to showcase your…

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Opportunities for TK Learners

iLEAD Exploration TK learners, get ready for holiday fun at these upcoming events! Holidays Around the World: TK learners are invited to participate in Holidays Around the World: A three-week…

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High School Webinars and Meetups

Mark your calendar for these upcoming opportunities for iLEAD Exploration high schoolers. College Info Series: Financial Aid – Need Based Aid Join us on December 6 at 10 AM for…

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