
Testing Tips


CAASPP is the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (SBAC), which measure a learner’s ability in English language arts/literacy and mathematics and is administered to all learners in 3rd-8th and 11th grades, as well as the California Science Test (CAST) assessment, which is administered to all learners in 5th and 8th grades and high school.

Participation in this assessment is one of the biggest ways you can give back to our school, as the state of California requires all public school programs to assess at least 95 percent of their learners annually under the Every Student Succeeds Act.

The state has an accountability rule for schools with less than 95 percent participation and will dock a school’s test scores based on the number of learners who do not participate. Your child’s participation has a large impact in helping iLEAD remain in good standing with the state, our authorizing district (Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District), our accreditor (WASC), and the charter school support networks (CCSA).

As we approach our testing window, we will be sharing tips on how to prepare and what to expect. We would like to invite you to explore the CAASPP site to find out more. Here is a video to help you navigate the practice test located on the site.


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