four kids in a row smiling with hands in the air


Beginning in late February, English Language Learners will take the Summative ELPAC. The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is California’s assessment system that is used to determine the…

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Summative ELPAC Assessment

Summative ELPAC Assessment

Beginning in February, English Language Learners will take the summative ELPAC. The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is California’s assessment system that is used to determine the English…

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Test Prep

ELPAC Testing

We are so proud of all our learners who completed the ELPAC Assessment! Our EL learners worked hard and did their best on all domains: speaking, reading, listening, and writing….

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Summative ELPAC

Summative ELPAC

Our testing window for the Summative ELPAC is open and our assessments are underway for all our English Language Learners this year through online and remote platforms. Thank you to…

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