
32 Virtual Field Trips for American History


Have you ever spent the time and money to meticulously plan and organize an amazing field trip for your learner only to be rained out of any learning to be had? We have all been there. Nothing beats the educational experience of learning through a hands-on field trip, but sometimes life just does not align for these trips to happen.

Virtual field trips are an alternative to packing snacks, checking the weather, loading the van and buying tickets to go somewhere. Bookshark offers a list of these experiences particularly for those looking to enhance their learning of American history. Besides supplementing your American history curriculum, virtual field trips also provide a way for your child to explore places that may be inaccessible. Happy exploring!




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Fall Exploring the Arts opportunities are on the hub and filling up fast! These fun events are paid using Prop 28 funds so families do not need to use learner…

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California Healthy Youth Act

California requires all public schools to provide a course in sexual health education and HIV prevention education once for 7th grade and once for 9th grade. You can find more…

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iExplore & Upcoming Events

Don’t miss our iExplore opportunities and upcoming events. iExplore gives families the opportunity to use learner funds to visit educational locations for hands-on learning at their convenience. Explore the opportunities…

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