
CAASPP/MAP Testing Updates

ELPAC Summative Test

This past week, iLEAD received confirmation that the federal government approved California’s waiver request to allow districts to use nationally normed testing data like NWEA MAP in lieu of CAASPP testing for the 2020-2021 school year. This means we will move forward in administering end of the year MAP testing in both reading and math in place of CAASPP testing. While this allows flexibility and familiarity for our learners, this also means we must ensure every learner in grades K-11 takes the MAP Growth test this year in both subjects.

This decision will require the following:

  • All learners in grades K-11 will take the MAP Growth test in both reading and math. MAP Growth tests are approximately 50 questions and generally take about 60-90 minutes to complete per test. This can be done in multiple sessions to reduce the testing time and to be developmentally appropriate.

  • In order for learners to demonstrate the maximum amount of growth, MAP testing will take place in May.

  • Please do not assist learners on the test. We want to be able to gather accurate data and know how to best support each learner.

  • CAST science testing has been waived for this year. Both the NWEA MAP science and language tests are still optional if a learner would like to take them.

  • There is not an opt out option for internal benchmark testing because it is a program expectation.

  • Learners who qualify to take the CAA (California Alternate Assessment) will still take the CAA with someone from the iLEAD Student Support Team and will not need to MAP test.

  • If you have a child with an IEP or 504 with testing accommodations outlined on their IEP, these testing accommodations will be made available with MAP testing.



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