
SLO of the Month: Grit


The Schoolwide Learner Outcome (SLO) for April is grit. Grit is defined as “having courage and resolve; strength of character.” A person with grit works hard, has passion and not only sets goals, but follows through. Grit is important because it is a driver of achievement and success, regardless of what talent and intelligence contribute. To truly accomplish goals and thrive, we need the ability to persevere. Without grit, talent may be nothing more than unmet potential. To find out your level of grit, click here.


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iLEAD Exploration Learners: Celebrate Heritage Month

Submit your art, photography, letters, and poetry to be highlighted in the Monday Message and at our Acton Curriculum Library for heritage months and holidays. We want to showcase your…

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Opportunities for TK Learners

iLEAD Exploration TK learners, get ready for holiday fun at these upcoming events! Holidays Around the World: TK learners are invited to participate in Holidays Around the World: A three-week…

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High School Webinars and Meetups

Mark your calendar for these upcoming opportunities for iLEAD Exploration high schoolers. College Info Series: Financial Aid – Need Based Aid Join us on December 6 at 10 AM for…

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